

Burglary is described as the criminal offense of breaking and entering into a structure for the purpose of committing a crime. Under the Ohio Revised Code § 2911.12, no person, by force, stealth, or deception shall do any of the following:

  1. Trespass in an occupied structure when another person, other than an accomplice, is present with the purpose to commit a crime;
  2. Trespass in an occupied structure when another person, other than an accomplice, who permanently or temporarily resides is present or likely to be present, with the purpose to commit a crime;
  3. Trespass in an occupied structure with the purpose to commit a crime.

A violation of any these sections will result in a charge of burglary ranging from a Fifth Degree Felony to a First Degree Felony depending on the circumstances involved. The legal terms breaking and entering, burglary, and aggravated burglary may be used to describe the charge.

The penalties involved are typically imprisonment and/or fines. The severity is dependent on the classification of the alleged offense.

If you or a loved one finds yourself facing a burglary charge, a competent Ohio criminal defense attorney can assist you and render legal advice. The practitioners at Williams, Kratcoski, Griffin & Can, LLC can play a significant role in helping you contest a burglary charge. Our experienced defense attorney will provide you with honest advice and legal recommendations that will assist you in the event you are charged with burglary.