Ohio Raises Smoking Age to 21

Recently, Governor Mike DeWine signed new legislation to raise the legal age in Ohio for purchasing and using tobacco. Historically, the legal age in Ohio to purchase and use tobacco products was eighteen years old. This new legislation increases this age to...

Increasing Visa Application Times

In the United States, processing times for visa applications are taking 46% longer, nearly doubling since 2014. With these drastic increases in processing times if you’re filing an application or your status is expiring soon, be sure to start the process in...

Ohio Welcomes Medical Marijuana

Two years ago Ohio passed a law allowing the sale and usage of medical marijuana. After these laws were passed it was predicted that the first dispensary would be up and running by Fall of 2018. After a short delay, it is now January of 2019 and there are five...

Stand Your Ground

The Ohio House of Representatives recently made an attempt to pass new legislation referred to as House Bill 228. House Bill 228 is a proposed gun Bill for Ohio based around “Stand Your Ground” legislation. While this Bill would be new to Ohio, it is not new to many...

Ignition Interlock Device

Imagine waking your kids up in the morning, going through the hassle of your everyday routine to get out to your car and it won’t start. You keep forgetting that mouthwash in the morning will trigger your ignition interlock device. Looks like dad is taking the kids to...

Recent Change in the Law Creates Dissolution Delay

In September 2013, the Ohio legislature amended the Revised Code sections governing the voluntary dissolution of for-profit Ohio corporations. Prior to the amendment, a for-profit could file dissolution paperwork with the Ohio Secretary of State after certifying that...