When preparing to send your child to college the last thing you may think of is which legal documents you need. As you send your child off there are a lot of things you do to help them get ready. From figuring out financial aid to learning how to do laundry on their own, they’re going to need your help. Another possible way you can help your child is by having the proper legal documentation prepared in advance.
At age 18 your child is an adult and you no longer have access to their health related information. An Authorization of Protected Health Information will allow you access to things like your child’s medical records. So long as you have the proper documentation and approval from your child, you can access their information. Having access to your child’s health care information is especially helpful if your child has ongoing health issues. This particular document does not allow you to make health care decisions for your child.
Another helpful document to have prepared for when your child is away at college is a Durable Power of Attorney. This document allows you to access your child’s accounts without the account being jointly in your name and your child’s. You can use this document for simple things such as transferring money to his/her account or helping to pay bills. If the unfortunate circumstance occurs and your child becomes incapacitated you have the proper documentation ready to allow you to step in.
Similar to a Durable Power of Attorney, having a Health Care Power of Attorney prepared can benefit your child. While a Durable Power of Attorney allows you to assist your child with things like financials, a Health Care Power of Attorney allows you to make health care related decisions. A Health Care Power of Attorney only permits you to act in your child’s best interest if he/she is incapacitated.
Whether your child is a few hours or a whole state away, as a parent you want to protect them. Taking the time to sit down with an attorney and have the proper documentation prepared is in the best interest of you and your child. Contact our offices at (330) 673-3444 to speak with an experienced attorney about having the documentation prepared for your child.