Trade Secrets

Ohio Business Lawyers Helping Clients Protect Trade Secrets

Protecting intellectual property like trade secrets is vital to organizational success. Williams, Kratcoski, Griffin & Can, LLC can create non-disclosure agreements and address related legal claims.

Any business venture is likely to own a variety of intellectual property. Some intellectual property is protected by patents or trademarks, but other property may not be eligible for these protections. Accordingly, it may be necessary to defend this intellectual property as trade secrets.

Safeguard Your Trade Secrets

One of the most serious losses that a business can sustain is the misuse or misappropriation of its trade secrets. The Ohio business attorneys at Williams, Kratcoski, Griffin & Can, LLC understand how critical safeguarding trade secrets is to the success of your enterprise.

If you suspect that a competitor, former employee, or other party has unlawfully gained access to or is misusing your proprietary information, then there are steps that you can take. With efficient and cost-effective legal services, the attorneys at Williams, Kratcoski, Griffin & Can, LLC are able to help you protect the sensitive and confidential data that your business uses.

Protect Your Proprietary Interests

The process of protecting trade secrets begins before a breach occurs. Companies that act to protect their proprietary interests from the beginning may have far fewer issues with confidentiality in the long run.

The attorneys at Williams, Kratcoski, Griffin & Can, LLC are available to draft a variety of agreements that can protect sensitive information even as it is being shared with other parties. Non-compete, non-disclosure, and confidentiality agreements can all be used to preserve valuable intellectual property. Additionally, these agreements are legally enforceable, so attempts by an individual or organization to breach these contracts can be brought before a court of law.

Your Business Asset for Legal Guidance

If you are operating a business without the benefit of non-compete, non-disclosure, and other related agreements that could protect your trade secrets, then now is the perfect time to address this issue. Contact Williams, Kratcoski, Griffin & Can, LLC today for legal guidance and advice to prevent your trade secrets from being jeopardized.