With Cinco De Mayo approaching, it is clear that Spring has sprung in Northeast Ohio. WWKC Law suggests that Spring is the perfect time to handle some of those pesky legal issues you have been avoiding. For example:

  • Transferring your home into a survivorship deed or naming beneficiaries in a Transfer on Death Affidavit.
  • Ensuring that your assets, such as bank accounts, insurance policies, and investment accounts, are set up as survivorship or transfer on death accounts, and that appropriate beneficiaries are named.
  • Setting up a family trust if desired and appropriate.
  • Ensuring that your wills, powers of attorney, and other estate planning documents are up to date, especially if significant life events (marriage, divorce, children) have occurred in the past year.
  • Incorporating your business if you have not done so already.
  • Double checking to make sure that your business is keeping up with the legal requirements to maintain its corporate status.
  • Reviewing contracts, leases, employment agreements, employee manuals and other important personal and business documents.
  • Considering protecting your businesses intellectual property (copyright, trademark, trade name, patent).

These items are just a few of the legal issues that many people avoid due to lack of time. While these issues are often placed on the “back burner” they are some of the most common legal issues people face. Don’t put them off any longer. It’s Spring! Clean up those legal cobwebs and weed your legal garden.

WWKC Law has been a trusted source of legal services in Northeast Ohio for over 60 years. We have the experience and expertise to help you with your Spring cleaning. Give us a call today to set up an appointment or contact us by email.